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Adopted by the Constituent Conference

of the Eurasian Association of University

Trade Union Organizations

on October 21, 1997 in Moscow


  1. General Provisions


1.1. The Eurasian Association of Trade Union Organizations of Universities (hereinafter referred to as the Association) is a voluntary association of the trade union organizations of the employees and students of classical universities of the CIS countries, as well as other states of the Eurasian continent, created to preserve and develop existing ties, join efforts, mutual assistance and coordinate the activities of member organizations in the interests of its members.

1.2. The association is independent of the executive authorities, local government, university administration, political parties and other public associations, it is not accountable and not controlled.

The Association builds relationships with them on the basis of equality, social partnership and interaction, dialogue and cooperation in the interests of its members.

1.3. The Association carries out its activities on the territory of the states whose trade union organizations of the universities are included in its composition, in accordance with the laws of these states and this Charter, guided by generally accepted principles and norms of international law and acts and treaties ratified by these states.

1.4. The Association as a public organization and association of legal entities is a legal entity from the time of state registration, carried out in the state at the location of its highest body in the manner established by the relevant national legislation.

1.5. The Association as a legal entity owns separate property, accounts in credit and financial institutions, including foreign currency, printing, symbols, registered in the set manner; has the right to be a plaintiff and a defendant in court, arbitral tribunal and arbitration.

1.6. The Association shall not be liable for the obligations of its member organizations and the states to which the latter relate; Affiliates of the Association are not liable for its obligations, unless otherwise provided by special agreements between them and the Association.

1.7. Location of the Council of the Association: Russian Federation, 119899, ​​Moscow, Vorobyevy Gory, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, zone “A”, 10th floor, rooms # 1017, 1018a.


  1. Goals, objectives and activities of the Association


2.1. The main objectives of the Association:

2.1.1. Protection of social, labor and other civil rights and interests of members of trade union organizations united by the Association.

2.1.2. Contribute to the preservation and development of the system of higher university education in the states of the universities – members of the Association and the implementation of their common policies in this area.

2.1.3. Creating conditions to meet the needs of the members of trade union organizations in the Association in the field of their professional activities, culture and recreation.

2.1.4. Collective bargaining with the authorities, employers and their associations in the interests of their members (member organizations) on their behalf.

2.1.5. Strengthening and development of the trade union movement, mutual assistance, cooperation, exchange of experience of the Association trade union organizations.

2.1.6. Protect and assist affiliates.

2.2. To achieve the statutory goals of the Association in the face of its bodies:

2.2.1. Organizes and coordinates joint collective actions of member trade union organizations and other actions in defense of the rights and interests of its members.

2.2.2. Negotiates, concludes agreements and promotes their implementation; where necessary, at the request of a member trade union organization, assists in the conduct of collective bargaining.

2.2.3. Takes part in the development of proposals for legislative and other regulatory acts, programs and other documents related to the social and labor rights of higher education workers, their social protection and the education system as a whole.

2.2.4. Handles statements, open letters, etc. to international organizations, national authorities and public administrations, mass media on issues affecting higher education, education and science, the rights and interests of their employees.

2.2.5. Implements economic, entrepreneurial, foreign economic activities, founds enterprises, research and other institutions, establishes foundations, implements other activities that do not contradict the laws of the states in which the Association affiliates operate. The profit from these activities is directed to the achievement of its statutory goals.

2.2.6. Organizes the exchange of experience between affiliates; promotes the establishment of direct links between them and cooperation in specific areas of their activities.

2.2.7. Establishes contacts and develops cooperation with trade unions and other public associations, organizations, bodies.

2.2.8. Through its own publications and multi-circulation publications of universities, mass media, through other means, it promotes the ideas of the development of higher education, classical university education, and the consolidation of trade unions at the universities and other institutions of higher education.

2.2.9. Conducts conferences, seminars, discussions, “round tables”, researches, opinion polls, etc. on issues related to the objectives of the Association.

2.2.10. Provides organizational, methodological, informational, mediation, consulting, financial and other practical assistance to its member organizations.

2.2.11. Develops cooperation of member organizations in the field of treatment and recreation of university staff and their families in various forms: joint tourist trips, excursions, exchange of groups and vouchers, assistance in acquiring vouchers to camps and units of a partner university, etc.


  1. Membership in the Association


3.1. Members (member organizations) of the Association may be trade union organizations of employees, students and their joint university organizations, which recognize this Charter, fulfill its requirements, make entrance fees and annual contributions.

3.2. Any organization that does not fulfill its financial obligations to the Association, but actually participates in its work, is considered an observer and has the right of an advisory vote.

3.3. Admission to the Association is made by the Presidium of the Council of Chairmen of Trade Union Organizations of its member organizations (Council of the Association) on the basis of the decision of the university’s trade union organization, which is approved by the authorized body in accordance with its Charter (Statute) and submitted to the Association in written form.

3.4. Membership in the Association is terminated in case of voluntary withdrawal of the member organization from its membership, the decision on which is made in the same manner as the decision to join, as well as in case of liquidation of the organization.

Member organization is deemed to have quit the Association upon written notification to the bodies of the Association. The organization that has left the Association loses the rights of member; the amount of fees paid is not refundable.

3.5. Responsibilities of members (member organizations) of the Association:

– Comply with the Charter of Association;

– Take part in its activities;

– Timely, in a prescribed manner and order to pay membership fees;

– Take care of the rating of the Association, do avoid actions that damage it or contradict this Charter.

3.6. The rights of members (member organizations) of the Association:

– To participate in the work of the bodies of the Association through their representatives;

– To use in full the information and other opportunities provided by the Association in the prescribed manner;

– To claim any kind of assistance provided by the Association, including financial;

– To participate in the order agreed with the bodies of the Association in the implementation of its programs, projects and activities;

– To submit proposals on the issues of its activities for consideration to the bodies of the Association and to demand a decision on them;

– To be members of other trade union organizations and associations.


  1. Organizational structure of the Association and its bodies


4.1. The Association implements its activities, organizational structure and relations with its members (member organizations) on the basis of the following principles:

– voluntary affiliation to the Association and the possibility to leave it free;

– equal rights of all members (member organizations);

– formation of the bodies of the Association on the electoral basis, not formed in accordance with its Charter directly from the delegated representatives of member organizations; transparency and periodic reporting on their work;

– mutual trust, respect for the opinions and positions of each member of the Association, the possibility of bringing it to the attention of other members.

4.2. The basis of the organizational structure of the Association is the trade union organization of the University.

4.3. The issues of membership of trade union organizations affiliating to the Association in national trade unions and other trade union organizations and associations are within their competence and are not regulated by this Charter.

4.4. The organizational structure of the Association is two-tiered and includes affiliated trade union organizations and Association bodies.

4.5. The supreme body of the Association is the Council of Chairmen of trade union committees of universities that are part of it (Council of the Association) as a conference of plenipotentiaries of affiliates with continuing authority over the entire period of their work as chairman of the trade union committee.

The Association Council shall exercise the rights of a legal entity on behalf of the Association.

4.6. The Council of the Association is formed from the chairmen of the trade union committees of universities by position. In case of re-election of the chairman of the trade union committee, replacement occurs automatically upon confirmation of the authority of the new chairman in the prescribed manner.

At a session of the Council of the Association or another body, the member organization may be represented by the deputy chairman of the trade union committee (or another representative of it), if there are powers in written form.

4.7. Association Board:

4.7.1. Approves the Charter of the Association and makes changes and additions to it.

4.7.2. Decides on the termination of the activities (liquidation) of the Association as a result of its self-dissolution; in case of liquidation by its own decision or by a court decision, creates a liquidation commission.

4.7.3. Elects the presidium of the Council of the Association and hears his report.

4.7.4. Elects the chairman of the Council of the Association, his deputy (deputies) and the executive secretary.

4.7.5. Defines the strategy, objectives and activities of the Association in accordance with its Charter.

4.7.6. Forms permanent and temporary commissions and working groups from the members of the Council of Association and other representatives of member organizations.

4.7.7. Hears the report of the chairman, presidium, commissions and working groups.

4.7.8. Approves the budget estimates of the Association and reports on the use of its financial assets and other property.

4.7.9. Creates solidarity funds and other funds, establishes enterprises and organizations, adopts social, commercial programs and projects aimed at achieving the statutory goals and objectives of the Association.

4.7.10. Makes decisions on mutual relations and approves agreements with state authorities, associations of employers, trade unions, political and other public organizations, associations and movements.

4.7.11. Establishes and develops cooperation with related international and foreign associations, associations and organizations; decides on the participation of the Association in the international trade union movement.

4.7.12. Decides on the support of the member organizations of the Association in the implementation of their actions related to the performance of statutory tasks.

4.7.13. Contributes to the strengthening and development of relations between the member organizations of the Association.

4.7.14. Decides on the admission to the Association of new members and on the transfer to the category of observers with the right of an advisory vote to affiliates that do not fulfill their financial obligations to the Association (not paying membership fees).

4.7.15. Checks the credentials of the new members of the Council in case of their being elected to the post of chairmen of trade union committees of affiliates.

4.7.16. Carries out other functions in accordance with the statutory goals of the Association.

4.8. Sessions of the Council are held, as a rule, at least once a year.

4.9. In the period between sessions of the Council of the Association, the current work of the Association is maintained by the Presidium of the Council of the Association, headed by the Chairman of the Council.

The presidium is composed of the chairman of the Council of the Association, his deputy (deputies), the executive secretary, as well as members of the Council in the number and composition, approved by the Council.

Sessions of the Presidium of the Council are held as needed.

4.10. The Presidium has the right to make decisions on the activities of the Association, within the competence of its Council, except for paragraphs 4.7.1 – 4.7.7. and 4.17.

4.11. The Presidium of the Council of the Association is elected for a term of up to 5 years.

4.12. Decisions of the Council of the Association and its presidium are considered eligible if at least half of its members are present at the session of the relevant body. The decisions of the Association’s bodies (except for the issues on paragraphs 4.7.1 – 4.7.9. and 4.17) may be taken by their members in absentia (by means of a survey by telephone, telefax, electronic or postal service) in the manner established by these bodies.

Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of members of the bodies of the Association who have participated in the voting, provided that at least half of their total number has participated in the session or the survey.

4.13. Sessions of the Council of the Association or the survey of its members to make a decision on behalf of the Council is held by the decision of the Chairman of the Council, its presidium or at the request of at least 1/3 of the members of the Council of the Association.

The sessions of the Presidium of the Council of the Association or the questioning of its members for decision-making on behalf of the Presidium are held at the decision of the Chairman of the Council or the request of any member of the Presidium.

4.14. The agenda, form of voting, procedure and rules of the work of the Association bodies are approved by the decision of their members at the beginning of the session.

4.15. The current work of the Association is implemented by the executive secretary appointed by the Council (presidium) of the Association. To ensure the current work of the Association by decision of the Association Council or its presidium, an executive committee headed by an executive secretary may be created, including responsible organizers, experts and technical workers.

The staffing table of the executive committee, the order of work and remuneration of its employees and invited specialists are determined by the Presidium of the Council of the Association on the proposal of the Chairman of the Council

Employees of the executive committee may work under labor or civil law contracts and are accepted for a period of time until the expiration of the powers of the presidium of the Council of the Association.

The hiring, dismissal and other functions of the employer are performed by the chairman of the Association Council.

4.16. Chairman of the Council of the Association:

4.16.1. Represents the Association in international, interstate, state, judicial, economic, trade union bodies, public organizations, mass media, etc. without a power of attorney.

4.16.2. Concludes agreements, sends letters, statements and appeals on behalf of the Association.

4.16.3. Coordinates and maintains liaison with trade unions and public associations and movements pursuing goals similar to the Association.

4.16.4. Organizes the work of the Council of the Association and its presidium and presides at their sessions.

4.16.5. By order of the presidium of the Council of the Association, manages the property and funds of the Association, concludes agreements, opens accounts in financial institutions.

4.16.6. Concludes and terminates fixed-term employment contracts with employees of the executive committee of the Association, civil law contracts with involved specialists, issues orders regulating the activities of the executive committee.

4.16.7. Performs other functions in accordance with the instructions of the Council of the Association and its presidium.

4.17. The Chairman of the Council of the Association is elected from among its members for a term until the termination of the powers of the presidium of the Council by a simple majority of votes taken.

4.18. The Chairman of the Council of the Association may be prematurely relieved of his duties by a decision of the Council, taken in the same manner as when elected to a post.

4.19. In case of re-election of the chairman of the trade union committee, who held the office of chairman of the Council of the Association, and replacing him with another person on the Council, new elections of the chairman of the Council of the Association are held.

4.20. Members of the Council of the Association – the chairmen of trade union committees of universities of one state can determine from among themselves the person who acts as the coordinator of the Association’s activities on the territory of the given state (national coordinator) and delegate to him authority in the volume established by them.

4.21. The control over the financial activities of the Association, the use of its property and the correctness of the payment of membership fees is exercised by the Association’s Audit Commission, elected by the Council of the Association from among its members for the term of office of the Presidium of the Council.


  1. Property and economic activities of the Association


5.1. The Association has financial autonomy and separate property, has accounts, including currency, in financial institutions, enjoys the right of ownership and is independently responsible for its obligations.

5.2. The Association has the right to engage in economic and business activities, including the creation of enterprises, institutions, funds, economic partnerships and companies, including banks, to lease property belonging to it, place free funds in banking and stock agencies, engage in publishing, marketing, tourism, advertising, foreign economic activity, to perform cultural and educational, sports and other mass events that are not contrary to the law and these are the statutory goals of the Association.

5.3. Incomes derived from business and other activities are not subject to redistribution between members (member organizations) of the Association and are directed to ensure its statutory activities.

5.4. The property of the Association is formed from:

– entrance and membership fees and earmarked revenues from members (member organizations) of the Association;

– voluntary donations, charitable contributions of legal entities and individuals;

– revenues from cultural and educational, tourist, sports and other mass events;

– revenues from the placement of free funds in banking and equity institutions;

– shares, bonds and other securities belonging to the Association;

– revenues from business and entrepreneurial activities;

– other property received in a manner not contrary to the law.

The basis for the implementation of the statutory activities of the Association are membership fees.

5.5. Membership fees are paid annually. The procedure, amounts and terms of payment of entrance and membership fees, as well as the type of currency (s) used is determined by the Council of the Association.

Calculation of contributions is made in the currency of the state in which the seat of the highest body of the Association is located and its registration is made.

5.6. By the decision of the Council of the Association, the membership fees of the affiliated organizations of universities of one state can be directed and accumulated in one of them according to their choice in a separate account, subaccount, or accounted separately on the account of this authorized organization. The expenditure of such funds is carried out by the decision of the Council of the Association or its Presidium.

5.7. The disposal of funds and other property of the Association is carried out by the chairman of its Council in accordance with the approved cost estimates.

The Chairman of the Council of the Association regularly reports to the bodies of the Association on the use of funds and its other assets.


  1. Final provisions


6.1. The activities of the Association may be terminated by liquidation by the decision of the Council of the Association or by court decision in the manner prescribed by law. Reorganization of the Association is carried out by the decision of the Council of the Association.

6.2. In case of the liquidation, the property remaining after satisfaction of the claims of creditors is distributed among its members (member organizations) in the manner determined by the Council of the Association.

6.3. The right to interpret the Charter of the Association belongs exclusively to its Council.